Overhead Crane Electrical Maintenance - LIVE WEBINAR - 2 Days
This electrical crane maintenance training course highlights electrical maintenance procedures for all types of A.C. crane controls including A.C. full magnetic and adjustable frequency drives and is considered the basic orientation to electrical maintenance.
Nucor Steel Erik G.(What I liked most about the seminar was…) Calculation of loads
Gerdau Ameristeel Bill N.Good job.
Timet Dalton P.Good class personable instructor. (Not happy he was a Green Bay Fan).
Wheelabrator Luis A.(What I liked most about the seminar was…) Visiting all the facilities and seeing
everything they do.
Timet Joseph B.Learning the sling the rope & wires. I love the Trainer - couldn't had a better
Crane Training on Electrical Maintenance
This crane maintenance training course is offered in a LIVE Webinar format and in various cities throughout the U.S. and Canada. The course highlights electrical maintenance procedures for all types of AC crane controls including AC full magnetic and adjustable frequency drives and is considered the basic orientation to electrical crane maintenance.
Course outline
- Overhead Crane Electrical Safety
- Overhead Crane Electrical Regulations
- Electrical Tools
- OHMs Law
- Motors
- AC Motors
- Wound Rotor Motors
- DC Motors
- Motor Maintenance & Troubleshooting
- Power Distribution
- Crane Electrical Components
- Fuses & Circuit Breakers
- Motor Overload
- Contactors
- Mechanical & Electrical Interlocks
- Transformers & Rectifier
- Limit Switches
- Motor Thermistors
- Resistors
- Encoders
- Brakes & Electric Load Brake - Magnetorque (TM)
- Master Controller, Radio Controls & Crane Pendants
- PLC & Crane Monitoring Equipment
- Crane Overload Limiter
- Variable Frequency Drives (VFD)
- Basic Speed Control
View all crane training classes available now or contact Konecranes for questions or special requests.