Mobile Crane Training: Inspection & Safety - 2 Days
This important, 2-day mobile crane inspector training will give students an understanding of the requirements for inspections, importance of inspections, and how to inspect cranes safely meeting requirements of OSHA and ASME B30.5
Boeing Gary M.(The Instructor) is doing a great job and one of the best, if not the best classes, I've had at my company in 20 years!
Los Alamos Ronald S.No improvements needed. All good.
Entergy Kirk H.(I liked…) Instructor Input - Anytime one (can) get experience from - it is a gain.
Sandvik Materials Doug P.(What I liked most about the seminar was…) Knowledge of the instructor.
Wheelabrator Mike S.(What I liked most about the seminar was…) Good material and knowledge.
After completion, students will have an understanding of the requirements for Mobile Crane inspections, importance of inspections, and how to inspect mobile cranes safely. We cover meeting requirements of OSHA and ASME B30.5.
You'll Receive:
- Course workbook
- Inspection forms for Mobile Cranes (paper and electronic copies)
- 2 Year Crane Inspection Certification
Course outline
- Inspection types and requirements
- Lockout tagout procedures and importance
- OSHA and ASME standards
- Safe Operating Practices
- Inspection of crane components
- Nondestructive testing
- Crane Inspector qualifications
- Block securing
- Crane load testing and load chart
- Inspection Tools
- Basic Rigging
- Inspection Forms
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